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North Idaho District 8
Meeting Schedule

Alcoholics Anonymous Area 92
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and Vicinity
Kootenai, Benewah and Shoshone Counties

District 8 - P.O. Box 1454, Hayden, ID 83835

Central Office of North Idaho
118 N. 7th Street, Suite B-5
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
(208) 667-4633
If outside the local dialing area call 1-866-884-4765 (toll free)




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If you know of changes to this schedule please email:

Thanks for your help!


Disclaimer: Groups and meetings listed in this schedule are listed at their request. and does not constitute or imply approval or endorsement of any group or meeting approach to or practice of the traditional A.A. program.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
7:00p12 & 12 STUDY, Community CenterBud 683-2907O
Coeur d'Alene
6:30aGOOD MORNING AA, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDave 640-3513O/W
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
10:00aBIG BOOK FELLOWSHIP, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestMike 794-9185O/W
2:00pBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
4:00pTHE PRIMARY PURPOSE, C'ty of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thJan 687-1845O/W
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & LakesideRandy 762-8763O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
7:00pLast Sunday, SPEAKER MEETING, Ft. Sherman Chapel
Potluck 5:30p, June thru September
Bob 666-1664O
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
3:00pUPRIVER OPEN MEETING, Fernwood Cm'ty Ch, Hwy 3Wayne 245-4518O
Silver Valley
6:00pNEW HOPE Grp Potluck, Osburn VFW Hall, 4th & Mullan O
7:30pNEW HOPE GROUP, Osburn VFW Hall, 4th & MullanBobbi 682-4735O
7:00pBLANCHARD STEP STUDY, Blanchard Community ChJan 946-6131O
Coeur d'Alene
6:30aGOOD MORNING AA, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestAl 661-7122O/W
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
12:00nBEST AVENUE GROUP, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDennis 704-2335O/W
12:00nBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
4:00pLAYED BACK GROUP, 418 Coeur D'Alene AveLarry 699-8833O
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & Lakeside O
5:15pOPEN MEETING, Ft. Sherman Chapel, 332 Hubbard O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
7:00pWOMEN'S BIG BOOK STUDY, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. Best C/W
8:00pYOUNG IN YEARS, Christ The King Ch., 17th & Pennsyl.Mike 772-7183O/W
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
Hauser Lake
7:00pOFF 53 GROUP, Hauser Lk City Hall, W Hauser Lk RdPaula 773-7186O/W
Post Falls
8:15pOPEN EYES, Aspen Ctr., 801 E. SelticeRon 773-2146O
Silver Valley
5:30pWALLACE MINERS, Wallace Fire HallJim 556-3031O/W
St. Maries
7:00pSPIRITUALLY SPEAKING Grp, Nazarene Ch, 3 mi N on Hwy 3Jim 245-4789O/W
Coeur d'Alene
6:00aFRESH START, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. Best O
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
12:00nBEST AVENUE GROUP, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDennis 704-2335O/W
12:00nBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
2:00pGRATEFUL LADIES Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestJean 676-8120O/W
4:00pLAYED BACK GROUP, 418 Coeur D'Alene AveLarry 699-8833O
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & LakesideRandy 762-8763O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
7:00pAA By The 12x12, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestShelly 660-6640O/W
7:30pFIRST THINGS FIRST, Ft. Sherman Chapel, 332 Hubbard O
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
Post Falls
12:00nKEEP IT SIMPLE, KMC Room 100 O/W
Silver Valley
7:30pNEW HOPE GROUP BB Study, Osburn VFW Hall, 4th & MullanBobbi 682-4735O
Spirit Lake
7:00pSPIRIT LAKE TUES. NIGHT, Presby. Ch. (Behind Hog & Jog)Bud 683-2907O
Coeur d'Alene
6:30aGOOD MORNING AA, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDave 640-3513O/W
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
12:00nBEST AVENUE GROUP, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDennis 704-2335O/W
12:00nBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
4:00pLAYED BACK GROUP, 418 Coeur D'Alene AveLarry 699-8833O
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & LakesideRandy 762-8763O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
7:00pCDAYPAA Mtg, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDan 640-1582O/W
8:00pBIG BOOK STUDY, St. Pius Ch, 625 Haycraft O
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
Post Falls
8:15pOPEN EYES, Aspen Ctr., 801 E. SelticeRon 773-2146O
7:00pPRAIRIE DOGS, Logan St Citizen's CtrJan 687-1845C/W
Rose Lake
6:30pRose Lake Mtg, House next toCross Roads Ch, Hwy 3Joe 682-4684O
Spirit Lake
5:30pBIG BOOK RECOVERY, Presby. Ch. (Behind Hog & Jog)Mike 660-7776O
St. Maries
12:00nSERENITY SISTERS, Women's Mtg 411 10th St.Tonce 245-1583O
7:00pDIE HARD GROUP, Cath. Ch., 3rd & I St.Muriel 686-0768O
7:00pHOW HUNGRY GROUP, Blanchard Community ChurchJan 946,6131O
Coeur d'Alene
6:00aFRESH START, St. Luke's Ch., 5th & Wallace O
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
12:00nBEST AVENUE GROUP, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDennis 704-2335O/W
12:00nBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
4:00pLAYED BACK Grp, 418 Coeur D'Alene Ave.Larry 699-8833O
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & LakesideRandy 762-8763O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
7:00pMEN'S RECOVERY IN AA, C'ty of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thWade 660-7694O
8:15pTHE PRIMARY PURPOSE, C'ty of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thJan 687-1845O/W
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
8:00pOPEN ARMS, Hayden United, 9485 MapleRon 773-2146O/W
Post Falls
12:00nKEEP IT SIMPLE, KMC Room 100 O/W
7:30pTRULY GRATEFUL, St. George's Ch, 2004 N. William O
Silver Valley
7:30pJACKASS GROUP, Shoshone Med. Ctr.Ken 512-0184O/W
St. Maries
7:00pROUGH RIDERS, Lutheran Ch, 10th & CollegeStan 245-4938O/W
Coeur d'Alene
6:30aGOOD MORNING AA, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDave 640-3513O/W
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
12:00nBEST AVENUE GROUP, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDennis 704-2335O/W
12:00nBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
4:00pLAYED BACK Grp, 418 Coeur D'Alene Ave.Larry 699-8833O
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & LakesideRandy 762-8763O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
8:00pFRIDAY NIGHT Grp, St. Pius Ch., 625 Haycraft O
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
Post Falls
12:00nKEEP IT SIMPLE, KMC Room 100 O/W
6:15pTGIF Mtg, Aspen Ctr, 601 E. SelticeO
7:00pPRAIRIE DOGS, Logan St Citizen's CtrTammi 687-3639C/W
6:00pLast Friday, PRAIRIE DOGS Birthday Potluck, Logan St Citizen's CtrRandy 777-1961C/W
St. Maries
7:00pST. JOE VALLEY Grp., Lutheran Ch, 10th & CollegeTonce 582-1757O/W
Silver Valley
5:30pWALLACE MINERS, Wallace Fire HallJim 556-3031O/W
5:00pBIG BOOK RECOVERY, Athol Community CtrBill 683-1942O
Coeur d'Alene
6:30aGOOD MORNING AA, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestDave 640-3513O/W
7:45aFT. SHERMAN CHAPEL GROUP, 332 Hubbard O
10:00aWOMEN IN EMOTIONAL SOBRIETY, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9th O
12:00nBROWN BAGGERS, Community of Christ Ch, 1733 N. 9thRandy 762-8763O
5:15pHAPPY HOUR Grp, 1st Presbyterian Ch, 6th & LakesideRandy 762-8763O
5:30pDAILY REPRIEVE Grp, Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestRolf 762-5895O/W
7:00pLAST SATURDAY ONLY - POT LUCK and 8:00 SPEAKER MTG - Fellowship Hall, 520 E. BestTony P. 704-6265O/W
9:00pSERIOUS ABOUT SOBRIETY, Fresh Start Rear Entr.
Parking off Lakeside btween 4th and 5th
10:00aSPIRIT EAGLE Grp, Bible Ch., D & 11th StSue 686-3067O/W
Post Falls
8:00pSATURDAY NIGHT Grp., Presby. Ch., 417 N. WilliamDon 818-6610O
Spirit Lake
8:00pSPIRIT LAKE SAT. NIGHT, Presby. Ch behind Hog & JogRandy 691-2715O/W

Call BEFORE you take the first drink!!!

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for Area Information and Meeting Locations in other Districts

AA Intergroup and Central Office Phone Numbers

Get Door to Door Driving Directions to the Meeting! and a Map!

Sober Campouts in the Northwest
For AA Campout "Junkies" who like to Camp and Group Together

Sobriety Time Calculator

ABC Page 60
Barefoot's Recovery and AA History Pages




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If you know of changes to this schedule please email:

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Email Barefoot
Created in the Spirit of Cooperation
Last Revised Dec 10, 2006

Three mighty important things, Pardn'r, LOVE And PEACE and SOBRIETY