OK,so you screwed up, time for a 10th step!!Great job, you just broke the internet, now you really need to call your sponsor.
The page you are looking for on Barefoot's World is seriously screwed up and is presently unviewable. See note at bottom. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to re-install your operating system. In which case, you may want to go to a meeting instead.

Please try the following:

  • Click the Refresh button Refresh Up is as simple as a-b-c, or jam a Big Book into your CD-ROM drawer tray. The BB thing really works.
  • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, please go away and learn to spell correctly before returning. If you recently picked up a white chip, don't worry, simply shut down your computer and get your butt to a meeting. Reading the chapter "More on Alcoholism" may help as well.
  • To check your connection status, unplug your PC and insert a screwdriver into the wall socket. Your Higher Power Connection status will immediately become apparent, as well as a spiritual experience you will be sharing at every meeting you go to over the next 4 years or so. You will see a Great White Light and hear the Angel Feathers.
  • Some sites you are trying to visit are probably not suggested sites after completing the 4th and 7th step overhauls successfully.
  • If you are trying to reach Barefoot, simply click here and be sure to join in the Fun of Recovery this year.
  • Click the Back button Hey, you know back is down! to try and end this nightmare.
  • If by chance your butt is falling off and you feel compelled to take a drink, please place ypur butt in a bucket and take it to a meeting. The proper glue will be applied. After the meeting when you are feeling better, please click on the following link: http://www.barefootsworld.net/abc_pg60.html

Cannot find sponsor or 12 x 12 Error??
Read the Big Book 164 or 12 x 12.

Note - If you really need a 7th Tradition Pie Chart click HERE

Love and Peace, Barefoot